
Npt documentation.

Reference: ANSI Common Lisp npt
Prev: 3. Arguments
Next: 5. Specific Features

4.1 Npt Amalgamation

The npt amalgamation is a collection of npt sources into a few pieces.
Currently, there are over 800 npt source files, but npt amalgamation combines them into the following three sources.

There is no difference in functionality between regular npt and amalgamation as it is simply combined.
It was originally created by imitating amalgamation from sqlite.
In some cases, it is easier to handle because the number of source files is reduced.

A drawback exists, the file lisp.c is so large that a C language debugger, for example gdb, would take a long time to load the source.
According to the sqlite page, some software cannot read the source files if they are too large.

Therefore, after merging the sources, we have also prepared a mode to split them into several files. It depends on the size of the source, but at the moment it can be combined into 12 files.

npt-amalgamation is available at the following github

However, the above page does not always reflect the latest source.
So, the following is how to make an amalgamation using the source from github/npt.

4.2 Creation

First, go to the github/npt directory.

$ cd github/npt

Go to the amalgamation directory.

$ cd develop/amalgamation

Run the program to create the file.

$ npt --script amalgamation-single.lisp
Name: npt
Output: lisp.c
Output: lisp.h
Output: shell.c

This lisp file can be executed by any Common Lisp implementation.
If the npt command is not available, you can use another implementation.
Here is an example.

$ sbcl --script amalgamation.lisp
$ ccl -l amalgamation.lisp
$ clisp amalgamation.lisp

With the three generated files, npt can be built.
Compilation is the same as usual.
Here’s an example of compiling on FreeBSD

$ cc -o npt -DLISP_FREEBSD lisp.c shell.c -lm
$ ./npt --version-script | grep amalgamation
amalgamation    true

The following is an example of splitting into multiple parts. This is a separate operation from the previous one, so be careful not to continue working on it.

$ npt --script amalgamation-header.lisp
Name: npt
Output: lisp_file.h
Output: lisp_file_01.c
Output: lisp_file_02.c
Output: lisp_file_03.c
Output: lisp_file_04.c
Output: lisp_file_05.c
Output: lisp_file_06.c
Output: lisp_file_07.c
Output: lisp_file_08.c
Output: lisp_file_09.c
Output: lisp.h
Output: shell.c

The compilation is as follows.

$ cc -o npt -DLISP_FREEBSD lisp_file_*.c shell.c -lm
$ ./npt --version-script | grep amalgamation
amalgamation    true

lisp_file.h is used when compiling the npt source.
On the other hand, lisp.h is a file that is required when developing npt and is not needed when compiling npt.