Registering Functions

Npt documentation.

Reference: ANSI Common Lisp npt
Prev: 3. Escape Function

4.1 Registering Functions

This chapter describes how to implement Common Lisp functions in C alone.

Usually, functions are created by lambda or defun, but in this chapter, we will create functions only in C. However, the function type is different: it is not a FUNCTION type, but a COMPILED-FUNCTION type like standard functions like car.

The type of the function is checked as follows.

* (lambda ())
#<FUNCTION LAMBDA #x801256a00>
* #'car

4.2 Registering function pointers

To use a C language function, it is necessary to register a function pointer with a number. The number of function pointers that can be registered is up to 32.
If it’s not enough, define LISP_POINTER_EXTEND at compile time. As an example, here’s how to run a compilation with 128 extensions

$ cc -DLISP_POINTER_EXTEND=128 src/*.c -lm

The instruction to register the function pointer is shown below.

void lisp_compiled_rest(int index, lisp_calltype_rest call);
void lisp_compiled_empty(int index, lisp_calltype_empty call);
void lisp_compiled_var1(int index, lisp_calltype_var1 call);
void lisp_compiled_var2(int index, lisp_calltype_var2 call);
void lisp_compiled_var3(int index, lisp_calltype_var3 call);

The argument index is a number to register, usually from 0 to 31.
The argument call is the pointer to the function of the escape function.
The function to be used depends on the argument.

The generic one is lisp_compiled_rest, and lisp_calltype_rest is of type int (*)(addr).
The type rest means (&rest list) of lambda list.
The type empty means no argument, var1 means one, var2 means two, and var3 means three arguments.
It is an escape function to register.

4.3 Creating a Function Object

The instructions for creating a function object are as follows

int lisp_compiled_function_(addr x, int index, addr symbol);
int lisp_compiled_function8_(addr x, int index, const void *str);
int lisp_compiled_function16_(addr x, int index, const void *str);
int lisp_compiled_function32_(addr x, int index, const void *str);

Because these functions are executed on Common Lisp, they are different from function pointer registration functions and cannot be executed until control is passed to the main_lisp function.

As an example, consider the following escape function in Common Lisp.

int function_test_(addr list)
    return lisp_format8_(NULL, "TEST = ~A~%", list, NULL);

At first, the function pointer of function_test_ is registered in function number 0.

lisp_compiled_rest(0, function_test_);

Now that a function can be created, the steps to create a function object are as follows

lisp_compiled_function_(x, 0, NULL);

Create the function test_output_ to run and check it.

int test_output_(void)
    addr control, x;

    x = Lisp_hold();
    lisp_compiled_function_(x, 0, NULL);
    return lisp_pop_control_(control);

The function object is now stored in the x hold variable.
Further, the function object is now executed with funcall.

int test_output_(void)
    addr control, x, y, z;

    x = Lisp_hold();
    y = Lisp_hold();
    z = Lisp_hold();
    lisp_compiled_function_(x, 0, NULL);
    lisp_fixnum(y, 10);
    lisp_fixnum(z, 20);
    lisp_funcall_(NULL, x, y, z, NULL);
    return lisp_pop_control_(control);

Escape is ignored.

The function test_output_ is expressed in Common Lisp as follows.

(funcall #<COMPILED-FUNCTION NIL> 10 20)

The results are as follows.

TEST = (10 20)

The registered function works.

4.4 Registering a function object

The following is an example of the behavior of defun.
Register a function object in the symbol-function.

The functions used for registration are as follows

int lisp_compiled_defun_(int index, addr symbol);
int lisp_compiled_defun8_(int index, const void *str);
int lisp_compiled_defun16_(int index, const void *str);
int lisp_compiled_defun32_(int index, const void *str);

As an example, register the function fact_, which is a factorial function created previously, under the name FACT.
The function fact_, completed in the previous chapter, is as follows.

static int fact_(addr x, addr value)
    addr control, y;

    if (! lisp_plus_p(value)) {
        lisp_fixnum(x, 1);
        return 0;

    y = Lisp_hold();
    if (lisp_funcall8_(y, "1-", value, NULL))
        goto escape;
    if (fact_(y, y))
        goto escape;
    if (lisp_funcall8_(x, "*", value, y, NULL))
        goto escape;
    return lisp_pop_control_(control);

Although the function fact_ is completed as an escape function, it cannot be registered as it is because it is not made for registration.
So, here is the function function_fact_ for registration.
The function calls the function fact_ and sets the return value.

int function_fact_(addr var)
    addr control, x;

    x = Lisp_hold();
    if (fact_(x, var))
        goto escape;
    return lisp_pop_control_(control);

The function lisp_set_result_control is used to set the return value of the function.
The next step is the registration process.

int main_lisp(void *ignore)
    lisp_compiled_var1(1, function_fact_);
    lisp_compiled_defun8_(1, "FACT");

    return lisp_eval_loop_();

The registration is done using lisp_compiled_var1 so that it takes only one argument.
The function number is 1.
Next, it runs lisp_compiled_defun8_ and registers the function under the name FACT.
Finally, run lisp_eval_loop_ and call eval-loop for confirmation.

When prompted, run the fact function.

$ ./a.out
* (fact 123)
* (/ (fact 123) (fact 121))
* ^D

Since the function fact works as a function of Lisp, it can be incorporated into the expression.

4.5 Use a closure.

The closure here is the ability to store values in a function object.
A function object can have a single value.
To set the value, use the following instructions

void lisp_compiled_setvalue(addr pos, addr value);

Here is an example of storing the value 10 in a closure after creating a function object

lisp_compiled_function_(x, 0, NULL);
lisp_fixnum(value, 10);
lisp_compiled_setvalue(x, value);

The value can be obtained by using the following instructions when the function that registered the function pointer is called.

void lisp_compiled_getvalue(addr *ret);

This function has a few things to be careful about.
The value must be fetched before doing lisp_push_control.
Since this function does not allow to specify a hold variable, it receives the object directly.

The following is an example of storing a value in the hold variable

int function_test_(addr list)
    addr control, x;

    lisp_hold(&x, x);
    return lisp_pop_control_(control);

4.6 Why assign to a number?

We explained that when the function pointer is registered, it is assigned to a number from 0 to 31.

For example, do the following.

lisp_compiled_rest(0, function_test_);

So why do we assign them to numbers?
The reason is to read and write the core file.

Initially, the core file was supposed to contain the function pointer values as they are.
However, due to the recent security situation, a feature called ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) was implemented in the operating system, which allows the function pointer to change randomly every time a process is started.
If a function pointer value is written to the core file, it will not work properly when the next process is started because it will point to a completely different address.

Numbering is also used inside npt, where the lisp_init function sets the numbering of all functions, including the Common Lisp functions.
You can register function pointers at any time before the function is executed, but it is better to register them as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the following function

lisp_compiled_defun8_(0, "TEST");

This is a feature of Common Lisp to create a compiled-function object.
Because it is not initialization, it can only be executed after the main_lisp function.